Lids Collection Campaign collects more than half a ton of material

Volunteers from Araxá, Patrocínio and Tapira (MG) collected 539.9kg of plastic soft drink caps, milk cartons, softener packaging and other materials made of hard plastic. The material will be delivered to the Current Partner Institution (Tapira) and will be sold, with the expectation of raising R $ 18,000.00, which will be sent to the region's Hospitals.

To get an idea of the volume collected, the total is equivalent to more than 270 thousand soft drink caps. For the coordinator of the Mosaic Volunteer Program, Luiz Mauricio Pereira, the action goes beyond the social impact: "Note that in addition to the financial assistance that the collection of these caps will provide to the benefited hospitals, there is the positive environmental impact generated by the action. It is more than half a ton of plastic that will be sent for recycling and will no longer go to waste ", he highlights.

Fierce dispute

The difference in points between the teams that came in first and second place was only 144.5 points. Check out the full result below: